Represent a Client. Sign in or register to manage business, trust, or individual information on behalf of someone else. You must be authorized to do this by your clients, including friends and family members. We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with Represent a Client. We regret any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
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My Account for individuals. Sign in or register to manage your personal and tax information, check the status of your tax refund or benefit payment, make payments to the CRA, change your contact or banking details, and get a notice of assessment or proof of income. If your CRA user ID and password have been revoked.
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L’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) administre les lois fiscales pour le gouvernement et fournit des coordonnées, des services et des renseignements relatifs aux paiements, aux impôts et aux prestations pour les particuliers et les entreprises.
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If you have already registered for the CRA sign-in services, sign in with your existing credentials. If you registered with a provincial partner, you must also create a CRA user ID and password or use a Sign-In Partner to access: If you have forgotten your CRA user ID or password, go to: Lost or forgotten CRA user ID or password.
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CRA user ID and password, you can sign in with your CRA user ID and password and revoke your credential so you can register with a different sign-in option or create a new CRA user ID and password. Sign-In Partner, you can sign in to your current Sign-In Partner and switch to a different Sign-In Partner.
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2024-09-27. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers tax laws for the government, providing contacts, services, and information related to payments, taxes, and benefits for individuals and businesses.
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My Business Account. Sign in or register to view and update your business tax information, file and submit returns for many programs, and access your GST/HST, payroll, corporation income taxes, excise taxes, excise duties and other levies accounts. If your CRA user ID and password have been revoked.
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Accédez aux comptes offerts par les différents ministères et agences du gouvernement du Canada. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous à Mon dossier, à Mon dossier d’entreprise ou à Représenter un client auprès de l’ARC, et obtenez de l’aide pour utiliser les services d’ouverture de session de l’ARC.
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Mon dossier pour les particuliers. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour gérer vos renseignements personnels et fiscaux, vérifier l'état de votre remboursement d'impôt ou de vos prestations, faire des paiements à l'ARC, modifier vos coordonnées ou vos renseignements bancaires et obtenir un avis de cotisation ou une preuve de revenu.
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About My Account. My Account is a secure portal that lets you view your personal income tax and benefit information and manage your tax affairs online. Transactions in My Account are processed immediately, and information is up-to-the-minute.
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